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Who is S T A T S ?

Stats is a fashion brand that has looked to create an impact in the textile industry in new and exciting ways! Creating comfortable and stylish

clothing is our passion here at Stats and we love nothing more than developing new and innovative ideas around streetwear! We aim to style

clothing in a timeless and unique way, using only the best materials to produce the clothing that we love to wear. Along with this, we have also

aimed to create these clothes in such a way that concepts of sustainability are upheld, with the minimum amount of waste being created for

each garment we produce. Fashion is constantly evolving and in order to meet the needs of newer generations, we found that we had to think

outside of the box and stray from the norms associated with style and fashion today.

Fast fashion industries have created this need to constantly purchase new clothing, with different items for every situation you are in. In order

to stray from this, we have created unique and versatile clothing styles that can be worn for a number of different occasions! Along with

encompassing a new style to stray from fast fashion ideals, we have also improved how Stats clothing is manufactured. We ensure minimal

waste is produced for each item of clothing that is sold, using and creating sustainable textiles. The reduction in this waste has led to less waste

output as we recycle what we can in other items that we produce.

Along with ensuring that the environment is not put at risk due to the waste produced from clothing production, we also have a very specific

set of labour requirements that our manufacturers need to abide by. Regulations around fair working environments are constantly checked by

our team as we ensure that we are physically involved in the production process! Stats is hands-on and has looked to become one of the best

sustainable clothing brands in the fashion industry!

Our Vision

To fully understand Stats and what we hope to do within the fashion industry, you will have to have an idea of what our values are and how we live up to them. Our vision is to see new developments when it comes to the production of stylish and sustainable clothing. The products that we create today will have an impact on the future and we are hoping to ensure that this impact is a positive one.

The fast fashion industry has created unrealistic fashion concepts, and many brands have had to keep up with these ideals in order to keep up with the market. As new generations have become more aware of sustainability and the impact that fast fashion has on the world, we are looking to ensure that these new generations have brands that they can trust to produce clothing responsibly. Our vision here at Stats has always been to stray from the norms that have been set out in the fashion industry and forge ahead with new and improved clothing styles.

Our clothing styles go through numerous creative processes to ensure that the final product is best suited to our target audience. Fashion is constantly evolving and we have established systems to ensure that the final product that our customers receive are not just produced sustainably but are also of the highest quality! We have also ensured that there is no certain number of items that are produced per product, and when a customer orders an item, we produce it. This is to ensure that we avoid creating too many of one product. Our overall vision here at Stats is to see the revolutionising of the fashion

Our Mission

Our mission here at Stats is to create stylish, comfortable and eco-friendly clothing that creates a space for the new generation's style. Conforming to larger industries and fast fashion standards is something that we believe is doing great damage to the planet, so we I have looked to create a brand that looks to avoid this at all costs. We also believe in employees having a fair working environment, which is why we have aimed to use suppliers who share similar values.

Stats is a company that takes great pride in how we develop our products and we have aimed to do so in the most efficient and sustainable way possible! Style and fashion are extremely important to us here at Stats, which is why we have designed clothing that we love to wear! Clothing should be comfortable and easy to wear, and you should always look and feel your absolute best in the clothes that you purchase. It is for this reason that we have made it our goal to produce items that suit our consumers rather than conform to the ideals of the fast fashion industry!industry, creating clothing that is stylish and unique while still being environmentally friendly.